Monday, November 9, 2009


Even though I think Virginia Wolf was a very feminist writer, I totally agree with some critical thoughts about how women were treated without respect and unfairness. In the work, “A room of one’s own” the author tries to show that every woman needs what men had.

First of all, there are Gender issues very well known that can be identified in this work, such as the necessity of having our own space where we can think, produce and express ourselves. This space deals with the idea of having a physical space to be what you are naturally. In addition there is also a metaphorical space that can be understood as “women in the society”. As we know women in the past were not allowed to write freely because their ideas were not respected and considered as men’s

As a way of conclusion, I strongly believe that this is not a problem of genders but is a problem of minorities and abuses. At first, men and women must be considered human beings. Starting with this idea we can respect others’ opinion and be balanced in our society avoiding discrimination in all its terms.

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