Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

It is extremely sad and painful seeing people which do not have anything to eat daily, or any decent place to live in. Oliver was just one of millions of little kids that are alone living in terrible conditions. This was a very common situation during this period, due to the fact that a third of urban population lived in poverty.

From my point of view, in this book Dickens wrote from hi heart because he also suffered a poor life when he was a child and his father was in prison. Oliver Twist was a boy that did not choose to have the kind of life that he was living. I am a believer that nobody deserves to be alone in this world and punished all the time as Oliver was. As it is known the Victorian time involves progress, and I think that progress also involves ambition. As we can notice all the people around Oliver was ambitious and maybe this was because of the progress that society was suffering.

As teachers, we can be the support of thousand of Oliver Twists that probably we will face in the future. Our main objective must be the inclusion of these kinds of kids to the society as persons more than as employers. Teachers can be the rescuers of bad influenced or wrong adviced children that are in places they do not want to or doing things that they disapprove.

The Signal Man: The Price of Progress

The signal man could be considered a very strange story, but it is true that can catches the attention of every reader. In this story, Charles Dickens involves important elements which can be related to the reality of society in those times. For example, the train by itself represents something strong that cannot be stopped easily. The same happens with the economical system today, which looks just for useful people or machines in order to produce more in a cheaper way.

Progress during this time was the most important word and even today people are always talking about this. We have to know that every change has a price to be paid, and from my point of view, the improvement of technology in a society, systematize people bringing another concept, isolation. As we read in The Signal Man, the protagonist was in a box. I think that today we are all in the same box just observing from outside all the economical progress and all the problems that these advances bring.

Nowadays, we can see that nobody cares about otherness because people are so busy and worried about the debts they have.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Decisions: Are you sure about that?

Frankenstein deals with a very interesting story about a creature who did not ask to come to this world. I really enjoyed reading this book because it is easy to imagine all the events of the book and relate them to real life. Why do I say this? This is because life contains all the words that we as students reflect in classes. Discrimination could be the first word that came to my mind when I finished the book. Frankie was discriminated because he was different. He was taller, stronger and his appearance was scary.

From my point of view, the main responsible or guilty of this entire situation was his creator Victor Frankenstein. He did not measure the consequences of his decision and all the problems that his lack of satisfaction could bring. He acted like parents when abandoning babies, and I think this is why Frankie was full of hate.

Sometimes we human beings do not think on the consequences of our actions or decisions. Due to the fact that we are not perfect and we commit errors, we have to know that if we make a mistake it is correct assuming the consequences and not to escape. At the end, our problems or errors will find us, and this is why we must face them.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Nature and Freedom

First of all I would like to say that this was a very good poem that produced good feelings on me. From my point of view, Wordsworth tried to represent the daffodils as a new season that brought happiness and freedom to poets’ lives. The author imagined himself as a cloud, event that could be understood as a human that flew freely and without any worry or problem in his mind.

When I read and caught all the passion that Wordsworth put on his poem, I imagined that he was sharing past experiences related to peaceful and fun from his childhood. Similarly, I interpreted that he was dealing with a rebirth in the person that was around these daffodils, and that was why he wrote, "A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company".

Concluding, I would say that as we have seen in other poems from Romanticism that this poem contains nature elements as clouds, daffodils and mountains that feel as human beings do. In the same way the author includes the concept of freedom, because from my point of view flying is such a liberty.